
Steve Jobs' Music Legacy


That a man who never played an instrument or so much as sang a note professionally could be considered one of the greatest rock stars of this generation speaks to the impact Steve Jobs had on the music industry, and the legacy on it he leaves behind.

In a way different from any artist or label exec, Jobs will remain an iconic figure in the history of the music business. The innovations he shepherded into the market changed not only the way music is distributed, sold and enjoyed, but also, to an extent, the way it is made, something few can claim.

In many ways, Jobs was more than just the CEO of Apple. He was the father and leader of the digital music business, at once beloved and resented by various elements of the music business as a result. Through the introduction of the iPod, iTunes and the iPhone, he has left an indelible mark on the birth of the digital music business that will be examined, debated and desired by many in the generations to come.


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